Tips for Terrific Vacation Photos

Tips for Terrific Vacation Photos

It’s summer vacation and you’re snapping photos at whim trying to capture these memories to savor when the cold winds of winter return. But haphazard shooting will only find you leafing through prints or thumbing your iPhone at home and wondering why those...

The Art of the Testimonial

How to Use Customer Concerns to Build Your Business: The Art of the Testimonial A few weeks ago I read a great article by Sean D’Sousa which distilled the process of collecting testimonials into 6 simple steps. That’s when I discovered the critical mistake...
3 Hot Links for the D.I.Y. Designer

3 Hot Links for the D.I.Y. Designer

I’ve been surfing the design sites for hot new web resources for the D.I.Y. Designer. Here are 3 hot links I wanted to share. In honor of Earth Day we’ll start with one that’s environmentally friendly too. You know the drill. You...
Design on an Empty Palette

Design on an Empty Palette

Creating a color palette is one of the most challenging aspects of D.I.Y. design. While there is no right or wrong approach I thought I’d share a few tips from the pros to help spur the creative process along. Take a design tip from Mother Nature Artists often...